Tuesday, 11 December 2018

What's on my Christmas Wishlist?

I remember being a child and going through every single page of the Argos catalogue to write my Christmas list, and having a list multiple pages long full of random bits and pieces. Does anyone remember the Fur Real Friends things? I so badly wanted the Butterscotch pony, but alas, Santa never delivered.

As I've grown older and realised the true meaning behind Christmas, and how expensive things can be, my wishlists have definitely changed. I buy a lot more for others than I ask for myself, and now that I earn my own money, I often just buy the things I need/want when I get paid. Writing a list this year was actually quite difficult, as I couldn't think of anything I really wanted, just some small bits and pieces that would be nice to have. Like I said, realising how expensive Christmas can be has also made me limit my list - things like a new laptop or a camera are things that I'm going to have to buy for myself.

Of course I have my little list for my family to refer to if they're stuck, featuring things like a chopstick curling iron, Archie Comics volume 6 (I have volumes 1-5) and some makeup. But there's a lot of things I neglected to put on my list, and instead are going to be a list of 2019 purchases that I want to make myself, but I'll probably do a separate post for that.

This year, I want 3 things.

More than anything, I just want to have a nice day. This year has been an emotional rollercoaster. There have been times where I've cried harder and my heart hurt more than I thought possible, and it's been tough. I quite simply want to end a rubbish year on a high note. I want to eat too much food, drink a lot and get very merry, play lots of silly games with my family, and r e l a x. Christmas is such an important time for me, so of course I always want it to be the best day, but this year more than ever.

Another Christmas wish of mine is to have more balance next year. 2018 was filled with a lot of negative experiences for me, and I wish there were more positives to balance it out so that it didn't feel like such a rubbish time. I'm not going to ask for the best year ever in 2019, just one that has as much good, or more good, than bad.

I also want my mum to have a stress-free Christmas this year. Money has been tight, and she's feeling the pressure. I want to be able to alleviate that as much as possible - mainly by spoiling her and also buying the meat and cheeses for Christmas day. Christmas dinner adds up to a pretty penny, so I'm really glad I was able to buy some joints of meat and lots of nibbles for the family. I really do hope she has a wonderful day this year. 

I know this may not be the most conventional wishlist, and I'm sorry if you were expecting something different, but Christmas is so much more than the gifts you receive. It's about being with the people you love and being happy and thankful for what you have in your life. 

What's your Christmas wish this year?
I hope you enjoyed reading, and I'll see you tomorrow for the final day of Blogmas!

Ciao for now, 
Katie x

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