Friday, 7 December 2018

How To Avoid The Winter Slump

It's so easy to feel blue during the winter months, and it's such a shame at such a magical time of year. A lot of people suffer with seasonal depression, and the lack of sunlight and vitamin D can vastly affect your mood, too. We get stressed over money, it's raining all the time, and it's too damn cold. So, for Blogmas Day 7, I thought I'd share my tips on how I avoid the winter slump.

Keep yourself busy

I find myself more often than not wanting to just stay indoors and watch Christmas films all day. Although this is super lovely sometimes, too much can make you feel like a bit of a recluse, and you have to try and get outside. Have a look online and find some local Christmas markets, take part in carol services and relax while you're doing your shopping. Nobody likes to rush to buy presents, so make sure you've left yourself a few days over the course of the Christmas season to go out and have a proper look, and maybe even stop for tea and cake. Dress up warm and go for winter walks, head down to your local for a G&T and a Christmas catch up with your bestie, or plan a delicious lunch at your favourite restaurant. There's so many wonderful ways to make the most of the winter season.

Eat healthy

You're standing in the middle of the supermarket. There are boxes of chocolates, cheese wheels, pretzel sticks, and every delicious snack under the sun all around you. You buy anything and everything you can possibly fit in your trolley, and scoff your face when you get home.
It is so tempting to break your healthy eating habits, just because it's Christmas. But you have to remember to have your favourite things in moderation. Eating chocolate for breakfast will make you feel sluggish and unenergetic for the rest of the day, so make sure you're keeping up with your fruits and veggies! Put a warming twist on it by making lots of healthy stews and casseroles, or using crudites instead of bread for dipping into your camembert. 

Take essential breaks

Although it is very important to get out during the winter for fresh air and some sunlight, you have to dedicate some time for yourself too. We can all get a little too busy in the festive season and forget to take care of ourselves. Grab your favourite book, some cosy socks, and the cheesiest film you can find, have a spa evening and pamper yourself in the bath, or just get an early night every now and again. You'll feel so much better, and a lot less stressed.

Do good, feel good

Christmas and winter can be a very stressful, and sometimes very hard time for a lot of people. Some people have bad memories and experiences around this time of year, some people are very lonely. Everybody has their own struggles, and it's really important to be aware of that around this time of year. Why not dedicate a day to volunteering at a local shelter, or visiting an old persons home for some games and a chat with those who don't have any family around. They will be so appreciative, and that in turn will make you feel good. 

Make time for the people you love

I think everybody has a weird uncle, a grumpy grandma, the auntie that smells a little weird, some member of the family that you're not overly excited to see, and sometimes they can put a real downer on your day. Make sure you have somebody to look forward to seeing, like your best friend or your close family members for some much needed ranting and family gossip.

Stick to your traditions

As we get older, it's easy to lose sight of our traditions. Everybody spends the festive period differently, and it's so important to keep your personal family traditions and values going. In my family, our main tradition is that presents have to be opened one at a time, no diving into the pile! We all have to see what everybody else has got and actually take the time to thank people for each present. It takes a few hours, but it's so much more fun. Last year, we didn't open our presents until about 11pm as everybody was working different shifts, and we weren't all together until the late evening. We loved opening presents after sundown, so we've decided to make that a new tradition this year. Stockings in the morning, board games, movies, and films during the day, and dinner and presents in the evening. That way, we actually spend time with each other, rather than everybody running off to use/play with their new presents.

How do you stay happy and relaxed during the festive season? Let me know in the comments, and I'll see you tomorrow for another day of Blogmas!

Ciao for now, 
Katie x

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