I haven't touched this blog in two years.
I have no idea what I want to do with this blog, where I want it to go, what I want to write about, or even how to get back into it. But this is my attempt, sat at my mums laptop with a cup of tea, a stream of vlogmas playing (it's never too early to get into the Christmas spirit), and a head full of no ideas. Well, a few ideas.
At the end of the day, if nobody decided to read my blog, I won't mind. There are so many interesting personalities on the Internet now, it's incredibly hard to stand out. Major kudos to those that are managing to get to where they want in terms of their blog, Youtube channel, website, app development etc. It's so hard, and I wouldn't even know where to start, I can barely keep up with the amount of people that I follow, let alone try to be one of those people. If it comes naturally over time, then bargain, but that's not my aim here.
This is, quite simply, my corner of the Internet. Somewhere for me to voice my opinion, have a rant, get my creative side out, and maybe even make some friends along the way.
I constantly trawl through Pinterest and Tumblr, looking at the masterposts of interesting questions - '15 questions you never thought to ask', 'getting to know you' questions, questions about your favourite books, food, TV shows. There are so many prompts for just going off on one in your head, having a conversation with yourself in your mind, daydreaming up the answers for these things, and far too often do I end up in my own little world, thinking interesting things and never going back to them.
This blog is somewhere for me to have that conversation with myself, to put my thoughts onto paper (so to speak). I think having somewhere for you to be able to revisit your thoughts is really important, whether that be journaling, blogging, vlogging, photo diaries, whatever. It's nice to be able to see your growth, look back on how you felt this time last year, what you were doing, who you were with, and just see how much has changed.
That's also why I decided to pick up where I left off with this blog, rather than start a whole new one. Two years is one hell of a jump between posts, but it's interesting to see how much has changed since then.
I've not achieved an overly large amount in that time, but I think I'm happy with where I'm at now. I live at home with a very supportive family, have a wonderful relationship with my partner, bounced from job to job but finally found something I think I'm going to like, and things seem to generally be going okay.
I mean, there's been a whole lot of bad stuff too. Getting bullied at my old job, being unemployed, having to move house, a few other things I won't voice here, but all in all I've grown in the past couple years, and that's what it's all about. The good makes me who I am, just as much as the bad.
So this is just a post to say hey, and to kick off the restart of my blog.
I'll admit, this is going to be difficult for me. Apart from the technical difficulty of having slow Internet and an old laptop, I'm going to find it hard not to be embarrassed of my blog. I think that was probably why I stopped in the first place. I don't live an overly busy life, as much as I would like to, and my mental health gets in the way sometimes. I'm a huge perfectionist, so I'll edit and re-edit a post a million times before I'm ready to post, but it's a learning curve.
Now I'm back with a fresh mindset and a desperate need to do something creative, and I'm really excited to get going. I have a few ideas for blog posts, especially for December, but I think I may just have a mishmash of random unrelated posts to start me off and get me going. Expect a lot of tags and posts of me rambling before I find my blogging feet again.
Katie x
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