A massive Happy New Year to everyone!
2015 for me was a hard year, and I went through a lot of things that were very new to me. I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, I struggled through college, my partner and I split up, and I ended up dropping out of college, to name just a few of things that made 2015 for me a bit crap, and to top it all off, I was alone on New Year's Eve, went to bed early and woke up this morning feeling like I had failed 2016 already.
So what did I do? I got out of bed, I spring cleaned my room and I had a refreshing shower.
Now, I'm ready for the year ahead. The next 365 days are going to be amazing and I will achieve something everyday.
I'd like to share a few resolutions with you:
Be healthier
In case you didn't know, I am quite badly overweight, and although that takes a toll on my physical health and could lead to problems in the future, it seriously affects my mental health now. Everyone struggles with self confidence from time to time, but for me, it is a 24/7 thing. I'm confident in my personality and my beliefs, but the way I look is a problem for me, and is one of the root things that caused my depression and anxiety. I was bullied quite a lot during school and it really took its toll on me, and this year, I plan to lose some of the main chunk of weight I want to be rid of. Of course I don't expect myself to be healthy and be a healthy size by this time next year, my plan is to make a start and keep it steady.
Be happier
This year I want to get rid of my depression for good. I've come a long way from when I got diagnosed, but I'm still not close to relieving myself of depression, so I'm going to do things that make me happy. Believe it or not, staying in bed all day and eating chocolate doesn't make me happy, so it's my goal to find hobbies to keep me content with everyday life. Blogging being one of them, which leads me to my next resolution...
Blog more!
When 2015 got tough for me, I neglected my blog, (I'm sorry blog, I love you). Blogging does make me happy - I love reading comments, and designing my posts, and tweeting and trying to new things to blog about. Everything about blogging, I love. So I'm just going to do it, no ifs, ands or buts.
Save some money
Now that I'm not at college, I finally have some money coming in from working, and it gives me the opportunity to go on holiday, learn to drive etc. More often than not, I spend my money on crap that I don't need, and that's going to stop this year.
I really don't want this year to just be another bookmark in my life, 2016 needs to be a milestone for me. My days of wasting time are over. Bring on the next year!
What are your resolutions for this year?
See you soon!
Katie xo
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